Soundscape v3.36 Audio Driver with MIDI
Sound Consulting has been providing contract software development services and quality finished software to the NEXTSTEP, OpenStep, Rhapsody, and Mac OS X community for eighteen years. Products include design and development of object-oriented classes, frameworks, and complete programs; hardware and firmware; as well as both retail and custom device drivers. More detailed examples can be found in the list of clients.
The current focus at Sound Consulting is developing hardware and software for the Mac OS X, CoreAudio / CoreMIDI, Mac OS X Server, and WebObjects products available from Apple Computer, while remaining available for NEXTSTEP and Rhapsody projects.
Sound Consulting is uniquely prepared for any new hardware or software development project due to wide-ranging experience with the full lineage of the NeXT technology, from NEXTSTEP to OpenStep and Mac OS X. Cocoa is the cornerstone of new Mac OS X software development, and Sound Consulting is one of a small handful of developers with over a decade of experience in the AppKit and other technology behind Mac OS X.