ABOUT THE DRIVER The currently shipping version of the EnsoniqSoundscape Driver is designed to work with both the jumpered I/O hardware as well as the newer software-configurable Plug-and-Play versions. Detection and support is provided for the Soundscape line plus many third-party compatibles, such as the NEC Harmony sound card. Installation and configuration are made simple by a full-featured custom interface for the Configure application, with driver-specific online help. The driver has hooks to support a mixer application for managing the hardware's on-board ten channel stereo mixer. The mixer application is currently implemented as a Preferences bundle extension available from Sound Consulting. EnsoniqSoundscape requires NEXTSTEP Release 3.2 or higher or OPENSTEP for Mach Release 4.0 or higher on Intel-based computers (486, Pentium, Pentium Pro, etc.). In case you are not familiar with NEXTSTEP or OPENSTEP, please be aware that no version of Windows or Solaris is supported.
NOTE: If you are running DOS or Windows, please click here before sending any request to the above address. Your request will be ignored unless you have the correct operating system.
ENSONIQ Corporation of Malvern, Pennsylvania, founded in 1982, designs, manufactures, and markets products including synthesizers, samplers, effects processors, mixers, sound cards, and chips.
Windows, Windows NT and the Windows Sound System are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.